January 2020-What are you waiting for?

Cliche right? New Year- New Me? All these big goals that tend to fizzle out before February even hits. Leaving the past behind and moving on. “I am going to….” “This time I am serious…”, and I could keep going but you get the drift.

Well….. January is the time for new beginnings. It is a time to reflect and reevaluate your goals. For me, I spent some serious time over the last week reflecting on the last decade (as you may have read in my previous blog) and now I am here to focus on my future goals and dreams.

I am ready to put it out there. To give it my all. I will be doing small things daily to help me be successful. I will use a planner. I will be more grateful for the little things in my life, embracing each moment, and stepping out from viewing things through the camera phone and seeing them with my own eyes. I will work towards building the future I want and it all starts with little actionable steps.

Tonight I joined my companies live Facebook New Years kickoff video. They had so many incredible announcements that I will share in a little bit but for now my focus is on me. Selfish? Yup! It is ok to be selfish every once in awhile and if being selfish now means I will have more time in my future than that is just what I will do.

For me, I am breaking my year down into monthly goals. For January my goal is for my business. I have two major events planned locally with the owner of Kalaia on January 25th and 26th. I am working towards earning our next leadership retreat by the end of this month. I plan to earn two or as many as I can of the jackets that they are offering as incentive’s this month. I plan to hit Gold director by the end of the month and Sapphire by the end of February. You may not know what any of that means but for me it means that I not only have grown my business, but I have helped three other women build their businesses successfully. Being a leader, leading by example and showing others how they to can be victorious are my hopes to accomplish this month.

I find it imperative that in this day in age we support one another. Supporting each other by listening to them with whatever their passion is, by liking their posts, by reading their blogs and by simply being their for one other even if it is just to grab a coffee and say hello for a few minutes. I want to support all of my friends more and be more active in their life and my community as well.

So far now I will leave this all right here. How I plan to start my year. No crazy diets this time, no big outrageous goals, just simply me building the life that I want and starting with small simple goals.

Is your goal to start a business? To earn a little extra income each month to pay down debt, or book that trip you’ve been dying to go on? I would love to work with you. Ill leave this information all below if you are interested we can chat more. I’d rather put the information out there for anyone to see then to not share it and have someone miss out. I don’t like FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). FOMO free year 2020.

The Kalaia Business Kit includes everything a Brand Partner needs to successfully launch her/his business. 

Price of the Business Kit is $249. However, if you join during the month of January, you will receive this brand new Business Kit for $199.

  • Welcome Letter
  • 1 Deluxe Set for you to use
  • 1 Basic Set for you to share
  • $100 Product Credit to buy any other products or tools you need
  • 25 Sampling Spatulas
  • 10 Join the Movement Brochures
  • 10 Product Brochures
  • Branded Swag Item (Canvas Bag)
  • Replicated Website
  • Access to Brand Partner Training


The Kalaia Digital Kit is a great way to start your business at a low start up cost. This join option is idea for current customers who love our products and want to share them with their social network; or former Brand Partners who are looking to re-join our team.

When you join with our Digital Kit, you receive a replicated website; access to the KHub to manage your business; and access to all the training and digital tools. Please note, you do not receive any products or materials in the mail with this join option.


If you are interested in either of these kit options you can join Kalaia by heading over to my link. When join I instantly get an email notifying me and will immediately reach out to you to get you started. https://www.kalaiaproducts.com/join?u=lisalynn

Anyone local to the New England area can also join me at our local events. Tickets can be purchased here: https://www.eventbrite.com/d/ri–cranston/kalaia/

Oh by the way… how incredible is it that I am on the cover of the join the movement brochure? ahhhh I feel like a celebrity =)

Thank you all for reading and following my journey as a mompreneur. Share with me your New Years Goals and Resolutions.

Published by Lisa Palombo

Welcome to my blog! My life is so chaotic with all the roles I play but I wouldn’t have it any other way. As a wife, mom, educator, entrepreneur, aunt, sister, friend, trainer, leader..... (and so many more), I am trying to just keep living my best life.

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